শুক্রবার, ৪ মে, ২০১২

Our first journey through the Foster care System - Dearest Jessica ...

?Today in our Foster Care Awareness Challenge, I am sharing an old post from 2009, just after we brought home our first son Joshua. Thanks for reading and if you would like to join the challenge click on the "Foster Care Awareness" tab above.



A miracle in progress.....

We always ask God for a clear picture and understanding of what is going on in our lives. Often in the mist of our trials we are unable to clearly focus on the miracles God is doing. Our journey to grow our family has had it's many trials. We know that God is the creator and provider of our family. I have not had the time to sit and reflect or share the many miracles that we have seen happen. If your in the middle of a trial rest in the Lord He is in control. Here is how we have seen Him present in our lives...

  • January of 07. Nathaniel and I still wanted to have more children. We were blessed with our first miracle in 2004 and were wondering if we would ever have the chance to have more children. I was on staff at our church at the time. One Sunday I was welcoming a sweet new couple to our church. In the process of sharing a bit about our church I discovered they were foster parents. The Lord was planting a seed.
  • April of 07. I had research for a few months the cost of adoption. My husband was not sure how we were ever going to afford the major cost involved with adoption. We came across our states foster care children and found the cost was very reasonable. FREE!
  • May of 07. We made the decision to go ahead and begin the process and signed up for the next information meeting in June.
  • June of 07. Our informational meeting was in the middle of our vacation. We traveled back home for the evening. We were excited and made plans to sign up for the next available MAPP class beginning in July.
  • July of 07. We begin our 5 week, 2 nights a week, 30 hour long parenting classes. We were preparing our home for children. We were filling out piles and piles of paper work and doing a bunch of home work for our parenting classes.
  • August of 07. We don't really remember because we were so busy!
  • September 6th 2007. We finish our MAPP classes!!! It was my birthday. We are ecstatic to be finished with all the driving and paper work.
  • September 12th 2007. Even though we didn't know it God did. A sweet little 4lbs baby boy was born. He is struggling to survive and needs a mama.
  • October 13th 2007. That same sweet tiny baby boy is released from the hospital and goes home to a foster family.
  • November 1st 2007. Nathaniel and I decide we need to be living closer to work and move 30 minutes west. We didn't know it at the time but we had also just moved with in a block of our future son's foster home.
  • December of 2008. Friends of ours decide they would like to adopt from the foster care system as well. They want to adopt an older child. They try desperately to get into MAPP classes.
  • February of 2008. Our friends begin a similar journey and begin MAPP class.
  • Summer of 2008. The sweet little guy that was born in September is still waiting for a family. His parents rights have been terminated and his social workers are looking for a family.
  • Fall of 2008. Our friends are finishing up their paper work and set to adopt their son. The state has discovered that their son also has a brother waiting to be adopted. He happens to be the baby born last September.
  • Fall of 2008. We are told of the news and begin praying. We were still waiting for our paper work to be done. We were forced to contact our states child advocates and governors office to get our paper work moved to our friends agency.
  • October of 2008. We decide to hire a private social worker to finish our paper work. We submitted our home study to adopt the little boy born last September.
  • November 24th 2008. Our social worker,our friends, their new son and us all meet at McDonald's to meet Joshua. We discover that Joshua's foster parents are the same couple we met back in January of 2007 who helped plant the original seed in our hearts.

Looking back on the journey I can totally see God's hand. I pray that I remember His faithfulness through out the rest of my journey of life.

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