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Self Hypnosis | Health and Fitness

Despite a lot of debate on how to relieve stress, this undesirable feature of modern life remains as prevalent as ever, if not more so. However in recent years enlightened opinion both within and outside the medical and mental health communities has recognised the true significance that self hypnosis and the subconscious mind has in its capacity to assist the individual in dealing calmly and positively with life?s periodic challenges.

In spite of a wide range of stress relief techniques being made available, for a variety of reasons stress levels today continue to go through the roof. There isn?t much point in speculating on precisely why this should be so, after all most people are familiar with for example the results of global economic mismanagement, climate change etc. Alternatively, the focus should be more on how you react to and deal with problems as they emerge, rather than on the seemingly insurmountable nature of the problem itself.

If you allow yourself to habitually think of some problems or negative situations in your day to day to life as being in some way bigger than you are, then you are effectively giving up control of the quality of your life and well being in favour of letting your fears, anger and/or anxiety about the problem dominate your thoughts and feelings about yourself and life in general.

Imagine that you?ve just lost your house, your savings and your income. Flippant as this may seem, ask yourself exactly what you would gain or what would be solved by surrendering to the impulse to allow your mind to flood with the sense of the fear and perhaps injustice of your situation.

No one would sensibly suggest that such a thing as, for example, sudden and total financial wipeout could be simply shrugged off and immediately forgotten about, but neither would anyone sensibly suggest that a constructive and positive response to the situation would consist of having a nervous breakdown, a stress related heart attack or falling into a pit of emotional and psychological despair.

It?s true that some lives are much easier than others ? and there are many reasons for that, not all financial ? but there is no such thing as a problem free life, no matter who you are or what your circumstances are, so it should be fairly obvious that the pursuit of a lifestyle where problems don?t happen is futile. What is really required is the development of the ability to see above and beyond problems and stresses as they emerge, and also to gain an understanding of the fact that many problems are actually opportunities in disguise.

Unless you?ve always had a natural ability to get the absolute best out of any situation, good or bad, then this kind of positive and relaxed attitude doesn?t come about just by chance. Overcoming a tendency to stress, irritability, anger or anxiety involves training your mind to react positively and opportunistically to any situation, to develop an ingrained tendency to always see the glass as half full and not half empty.

This can be achieved by committing yourself to a daily program of relaxation, positive suggestion and visualization. Your ?instinctive? reaction to challenges and problems depends on the nature and quality of your conscious thought. If you are habitually thinking that life in general consists primarily of a series of hassles and irritations then you?ll find yourself frequently becoming stressed and angry. You?ll also find that many of the actual circumstances of your life seem to somehow confirm this view, and that people always seem to be intentionally or unintentionally giving you cause to become annoyed.

This is because your all powerful subconscious mind is reacting to the negative nature of these habitual conscious thoughts, and is working hard to create and attract into the reality of your life conditions and influences which correspond to them. In other words, if you?re always consciously thinking that life is stressful, your subconscious will ensure that a stressful life is exactly what you will get.

The subconscious mind ? which contains or has access to power, wisdom and abilities beyond any human understanding ? is nevertheless guided by the nature of the thoughts, images and feelings that it receives from the conscious mind. Your conscious mind is in fact the guiding light of your life, and all the latent power of your subconscious is harnessed towards whatever end ? positive or negative ? that your conscious mind is habitually suggesting to it.

So therefore by training your conscious mind to consistently send positive thought and mental imagery to your subconscious, you will find that your tendency to stress and negativity is disappearing, with all the attendant benefits to mental and physical health that would flow from that.

As stated above this can be done by embarking on and sticking to, for at least a few weeks, a once or twice daily session of relaxation, positive visualization and affirmation, in other words self hypnosis. Set aside around 10 minutes at least once each day to get yourself mentally and physically relaxed and comfortable in a quiet place, preferably on a bed or large chair. Close your eyes and begin to breathe quite deeply and regularly, then begin to imagine all of your muscles, starting with the feet then moving up your body to the neck and face, loosening and relaxing. After a few minutes of this ? with practice you?ll get a feeling of floating ? evoke in your mind an image of calm and serenity, or perhaps visualize yourself in situations where you would normally become stressed but seeing yourself reacting calmly and positively.

Maintain this visualization ? again with practice you get better at this ? all the while breathing quite slowly and regularly. Then begin to either silently or verbally affirm to yourself something along the lines of ?I?m calm, relaxed and at peace? or ?Every day I?m more and more relaxed in every way?. Repeat the affirmation quite slowly and deliberately around 20-30 times while maintaining your relaxed breathing and visualization.

After about 10 minutes bring yourself back to full consciousness and just continue with whatever you were doing before. If you keep to this once or preferably twice a day then after only a few days you?ll begin to notice stress levels subsiding, and that you?re feeling healthier and less prone to worry or tension. After a few weeks you?ll have realized that your whole attitude and outlook on life in general has changed. You?ll feel much happier, enjoy better relations with others and also realize that no problem, whatever it is, is bigger than you are. Self hypnosis for relaxation also heightens mental clarity, better equipping you to quickly think of effective solutions to deal with difficulties as they come up.

Article source: http://ezinearticles.com/6350387

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